Download our summer flyer
We provide students the opportunity to advance or catch up on most subjects during the summer. Whether it's a preview or review, we provide the edge the students need in order to succeed in school. Please call us for more details and schedules.
Intensive Summer DSAT/ACT Boot Camp-As the name implies, the program features 4 hours a day for 4 days for 7 weeks of DSAT/ACT preparation, plus a full testing & review everyweek, more time than any other in the industry.
Instructors have years of experience and have graudated from one of the best colleges in the country.
Every year we produce many top scoring students who matriculate to top colleges in the country.
Head-start on AP subjects.
College essay writing workshop
Havard College
Emory University
Notre Dame
Cornell University
UCLA, UC Berkeley
Johns Hopkins
Boston College